
At the beginning of the chapter, historical yumiforms are presented. Yumis are still produced today in various forms. Each yumishi (bow maker) has his own specialities. Thus the yumis also differ in their practice.


A yumi with this shape, which is also made by Shibata Kanjuro XXI, is sweet in the hikitori (instep) at the beginning and gets harder and harder to pull until the quay, because the lower curve is narrower.

In the Hanare, the lower part of the yumi (1) therefore moves forward quickly and accelerates the Ya, so that it rises a little at the beginning of the flight phase. With such a yumi you shoot directly at the target at 28 m. A yumi with this shape is popular with kyudo people because the yumi can be pulled evenly up to the quay. When released, the ya flies straight down and then increasingly towards the ground. In order for the ya to hit the target, you actually have to "aim" over the mato at 28 m.


Evaluation of the yumi curves




The yumi on the left has a correct shape: The upper and the lower curve are in balance; the ha/kyuha - 弓把 (distance between yumi and tsuru) is 14 - 16 cm at the grip depending on the yumi (the head can slip through). It is important to know and judge your yumi. A yumi that is out of shape must be corrected.  


Assessment of the "S" form


from the left:
  • Irikiyumi (good)
  • Dekiyumi (should not be shot, must be corrected.)
  • Extreme irikiyumi (to be corrected)
Simple corrections can be corrected by yourself through appropriate massage. In case of strong changes it is useful to give Sensei the yumi to correct.

In relaxed state the yumi should have room for about two fist heights at the grip. If it is higher, it can suddenly turn into its counter form and possibly break. Therefore the yumi should remain taut for transport until its urazori is back to normal. After a tsuru rupture, urazori is normally higher and must therefore be controlled. The yumi should be stored in a cool and not too dry place.